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Tag: NRK

Prayer for Africa

What are the headlines in your country?

I bet one of today’s biggest headlines in your country is the same as in my country: about the implosion of a small vessel somewhere off the coast of Canada. It had a handful of passengers, it is true, and to their families, we of course offer our condolences. I’m sure that being imploded is a disagreeable way of dying.

Mind you, I watched Titanic, too – the film, that is – and I admit I was impressed by the luxurious tableware and the music and the grandeur of the disaster. Goodness, yes!

But frankly, looking back now, I realise that Titanic was nothing – even visually nothing – compared to the grandeur that meets the eye if you run a Google images search for climate+disaster+Africa. Try it.

I wonder, I honestly do, how it is that while few Europeans, and maybe even US Americans, remain dry-eyed at the edge of any one of the innumerable and endless French fields decked with plain white crosses over nameless humans who fell there in WWI, we turn our backs to what is going on in Africa. There are doubtless many and complex reasons, but I will mention two, for rhetorical purposes:

1) Could it be that we feel guilty, that we suspect that – although we never meant to hurt them, oh no! – that we suspect that our welfare (let’s be honest and admit that anyone who is reading this enjoys conditions of life far superior to the average African living in Africa) somehow, to some degree, for obscure reasons beyond us, has contributed to their plight? Through no fault of our own, of course.

2) Could it be that in spite of all our activism for Black rights, women’s rights, LGBTQ+ rights and whatnot rights, we are just a wee bit, you know – just a tiny bit – um, I hardly dare use the word – racist?

Those who fell in WWI are unknown to most of us, but they were white. Those who are dying in the Mediterranean are also unknown to us, but they are not white. I hear there is much talk of anti-Semitism again. I resent such talk, not – I repeat NOT – because I condone what is real anti-Semitism in any way, shape or form, but because the term “anti-Semitism” is being abused with impunity to commit horrendous racist crimes against Palestinians, whose skin is just a touch darker than the former Europeans who moved to Israel after WWII.

So how, I wonder, do Africans feel about all this? Most of them are much darker, even, than Palestinians. Are we all, in the West (and Israel undoubtedly belongs to the West) a bunch of closet racists?

A good photographer can take stunningly beautiful photos of despair, while hinting at even more stunningly precarious human existence shrouded in mist or sand, somehow alive under unbelievably difficult conditions. David Attenborough has shown us that there are tiny animals that survive miraculously in the Sahara. Maybe we shall see him in a final scene, telling us about how the unbelievably brave and resistant sapiens sapiens is miraculously surviving in, yes, a spreading-like-wildfire-desert, in Africa. That would be his crowning masterpiece.

Many don’t survive of course. Another 39 just drowned, trying to cross the Mediterranean. But we don’t want to hear about starving Africans. It’s their own fault, isn’t it? They’re corrupt, aren’t they, and they’re ignorant. We, of course, in the West, are neither corrupt nor ignorant.

Sci-fi authors regularly write about how the entire planet has been destroyed by weapons of mass destruction, greed and climate disasters. I put to the community of sci-fi authors: Let Africans survive. The rest of us are useless.


I check the news from the Norwegian National Broadcasting company every single day without fail. So I can assure you that we do hear about Africa from time to time. Listening to or reading the news from the Norwegian National Broadcasting Company, you will get the impression that the only problem in Africa is a few warlords. There are, indeed, a few horrible warlords in Africa, in Sudan, for instance, and in Congo. There is one fundamental difference, however, between a warlord from the global south and a warlord from the filthy-rich “West”: Warlords from the Global South would not be able to start WWIII. Our warlords, however, in the filthy-rich West, seem determined to do just that. After all, their kids will not be the ones to serve and die on the battle fields.

Warlords are an irresponsible psychopathic lot, agreed, be they white, black or green. Hegemon warlords, however, are the very, very worst.

Homage to András Schiff

Though it is extremely unlikely, Mr Schiff, that you will ever find your way to this obscure Norwegian blog spot, I address whoever may be reading it in English, as what I am writing is intended for you.

Or rather, not only for you; also for some of the people you hoped to reach when you allowed the Guardian to post links to recordings of each and every one of your eight remarkable piano recitals of and about Beethoven’s sonatas, at Wigmore Hall – I believe it was in 2006 [sic]. I am also addressing some of the people who (in 2012) insist on preventing us from enjoying your work and that of others.

In the course of the past week (in 2012), after I had discovered the Guardian’s link from 2006, I learnt that none of the people I told about your recitals at Wigmore Hall, had ever heard about them.

Not to beat about the bush, I hasten to insert the link to your recitals here:

Guardian and Andrass Schiff recitals

I find that though I have listened to “classical music” since I was born, I learnt and am still learning a great deal from your recitals; not only about Beethoven, but about music in general. And that was, perhaps, why you sacrificed your copyright interests; for as you say in your very first lecture, “music education is not what it should be”.

There is a chasm between “classical” and “popular” music, notwithstanding the fact that even “classical” music was once popular. Moreover, just as Beethoven could not help learning from Hayden – and personally, I do understand his reluctance to admit the fact – popular music owes most of its bag of tricks to classical music. The chasm is, in my mind, based on the wide-spread misunderstanding that “classical” music is esoteric, something that requires special skills.

You say that music should be played, not talked about, but frankly, I think you have proved the very opposite: interpretation of what is construed as esoteric, also requires words. And your words are just perfect!

I carry very little influence, I’m afraid. Or rather, I don’t normally care what influence I carry. Only when I see a good thing that should be made known to many, do I deeply regret that I do not have a bevy of acolytes.

Apart from a sincere desire to express my gratitude to you for the delicious hours I have spent listening to your Beethoven recitals, I have another agenda:

When I had listened to what you played, and your quiet explanations of why you played what you played the way you played it, I was convinced that there was overwhelmingly good reason for playing the way you did. I turned to an Internet store to buy four records played by you. Had I not heard your recitals, I would never have known more of you than that you are one of a large number of star pianists.

I repeat:

– I heard your exposés and was grateful because you gave them to me.
– I heard your exposés and was convinced that your interpretation of Beethoven sonatas was well-founded, to say no more.
– I heard your exposés and felt they awakened in me an interest to hear more Beethoven.

I now turn to producers of music and film, and IFPI who have much – very much – to learn about me and from you.

[“IFPI – International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – represents the recording industry worldwide with some 1400 members in 66 countries and affiliated industry associations in 45 countries.”]

  • I am a discerning customer.
  • I will not accept unquestioningly whatever you put on my plate.
  • I have no time to wait until a film or record is on sale where I live: I want it online when I am ready for it.
  • I don’t buy blindly: I want information about the film/record I download.
  • Unless you cater to what I want, I will buy nothing from you.

I admit that I do not represent a majority of your customers or potential customers. I put it to you, however, that people like me make up quite a large group, and unless you are absolutely certain that you will top every popularity list, you should consider our requirements.

As a result of IFPI’s absurd and counter-productive demands to the Norwegian Broadcasting Company (NRK), I and many others no longer have the chance to hear about records we might want to buy and films we might want to see. For instance, the likelihood of our hearing András Schiff is virtually nil. So chances are that sales of his records will be paltry in Norway. That is, of course, unfortunate for those who miss something they never even knew existed. It is also unfortunate for András Schiff and for the company that issues or publishes his work.

Fortunately for me, I read the Guardian, which was where I found the delicious link that has generated such a flurry on my part. Unfortunately for András Schiff, most Norwegians do not read the Guardian and are victims of IFPI, meaning they will hear no presentation of his or anybody else’s music (or films).

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