Article by Jacob Siegel:

A Guide to Understanding the Hoax of the Century
Thirteen ways of looking at disinformation

Though the title may seem sensationalist, the contents of this profound and illuminating analysis are not.

If you prefer to just get a gist of what Jacob Siegel wrote, you can turn to Glenn Greenwald’s interview of him here. The video only starts after a few minutes. Drag the green dot to 9:35.

It is with great sorrow that I add, in case you didn’t know, that Glenn Greenwald’s husband David Miranda died this week at the age of 37. He was also, in his own right, a remarkable man.

David Miranda no longer knows pain, but Glenn Greenwald — an indefatigable champion of a free press and freedom of information — will undoubtedly continue to do so. I am sure there are many of us around the world who feel with him.