No, I don’t approve of death penalties. Death is too kind a punishment for people like Netanyahu. After all, Hitler preferred to die rather than face the music. True enough, there are those who claim that he and his Eva escaped to Latin America. I used to dismiss such suggestions as fantasies, but now I’m not so sure. Sufficiently many lies fed to us over the past few years have taught more and more of us that no untruth is too ignominious for the powers that be.

Just to pick a few disparate examples, they lied about Covid (which turns out to be, after all, a leak from a gain-of-function laboratory), the Skripal case, the beheaded babies, the Bucha massacre, the Nord Stream sabotage, Russiagate, and the Hunter-Biden laptop… You really cannot believe a single word they say. And to top it off they call those who doubt their lies “conspiracy theorists”.

Whether or not Hitler did indeed blow himself up, Netanyahu and his ilk do not deserve death. On the contrary, we need to keep them alive, to be able to make an example of them, to point at them and warn racists “You don’t want to be like that, do you?” Basically, they should be kept in cages in zoos, not safely locked away in prisons, but out in the open for all to see and stare at in horror.

Alas, we were wrong to tell our children that there are no monsters except in fairy tales. Netanyahu is about as horrible a monster as any that has sprung out of human imagination. And there have certainly been plenty of them. Why? How come our imagination has fostered so much horror?

Take, for instance, the immense library of Satanic creatures, goblins, witches, devils and whatnots who populate the Christian underworld. They are the collected product of human fear, of terror inspired by real creatures. Throughout history, there have been Netanyhus, people totally devoid of moral fibre; callous, base and dreadful.

I sometimes hear: “There is some good in all human beings.” I’m sure the words are kindly meant, but the statement is purely academic, probably uttered to encourage tolerance. Generally, of course open-mindedness is conducive to an atmosphere of peaceful coexistence. But do we want peaceful coexistence with a Netanyahu and his ilk?

What if he loves his mom? Maybe he enjoys playing tennis or eating strawberries? So? Of course he isn’t always thinking about frying Palestinians!! Does that mean there is “goodness” in him? He is the very epitome of Western depravity. Should he not then be treated as such?

Instead, he and his ilk are being allowed to continue on a course that is so evil it poisons our minds, fills us with hatred, dread and suspicion. Because if he and his ilk can do these horrible things in one part of the world, others are sure to follow their example elsewhere.

The key words here are “his ilk. Yes, I do need to stress the ilk bit – because it is true that Netanyahu is not alone. From what we see of big time traffickers of drugs, organs and weapons we know that monsters are attracted to one another. Moreover, the Israeli monsters would have been impotent without the energetic support of their “ilk” in the USA, the world’s most dangerous country, the country with hundreds and hundreds of military bases all over the world, the forever-war country, the big-bully country. Netanyahu has, indeed, a great big army of co-devils in the US, many of them, I am told, of Evangelical persuasion (I wonder how they figure their god will treat genocide supporters.)

I have a very good friend whose neighbour, an arrogant awful bully, is driving him nuts. I have suggested getting a little doll and sticking pins in it.

Alas, my fantasies of Netanyahu and his ilk in open cages in zoos all over the Western world will not relieve me of my fear of modern-day Western monsters any more than pins stuck in a doll.

Above all it won’t spare the lives of all the Palestinians that we know will be murdered over the next weeks. Our governments, our “leaders” – the Starmers, Macrons, Merzes, von der Leyens and Kallases – know that mass murder is being prepared and they are not doing a thing to stop it. Not a thing.

They – the Starmers, Macrons, Merzes, von der Leyens and Kallases –are of “his ilk”. Send them to the zoos!