
Antropologiske betraktninger om pelshvaldrift

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Frankly, I doubt the mood will change enough to stop Kamala Harris from doing Aipac’s bidding. Worse: I think that if you think Kamala Harris will change anything for the better, you’d better think again. Quite aside from my suspicion that women are not “morally” superior to men (nor, for that matter, inferior) and that non-whites are no better than whites, although I wish they were, Harris simply cannot bypass AIPAC even if she wanted to. Nobody can.

Thanks to “independent” media, we now know a great deal more about AIPAC than we did before October 7. That is because of the vocal opposition of some very brave US Americans – many of them Jews – to active US support of Israel’s depraved treatment of the population they are so determined to exterminate.

Many years ago, my family bought live lobsters in a French supermarket and were instructed to cook them… live. That’s a traumatic memory that surfaces from time to time. I felt like a monster. But Israelis! They are truly –— no, I won’t say the word. They are just truly very, very sick.

I expect you, like me, have read about the inhuman treatment to which psychotic patients were subjected in the early days of psychiatry. Those who were wealthy enough were institutionalised in stately mansions with beautiful grounds, where they were subjected to what were often counter-productive therapeutic regimes. Virginia Woolf, for instance, loathed it.

The threat of being sent back would later lead to her contemplating suicide. Despite her protests, [Dr.] Savage would refer her back in 1912 for insomnia and in 1913 for depression.

Source: Wikipedia as at 11 August 2024

The first sentence of her final suicide note to her husband reads: “Dearest, I feel certain that I am going mad again. I feel we can’t go through another of those terrible times… . [ibid]

Why am I writing about madness and psychotherapy in a post about AIPAC, effectively Israel? Isn’t it obvious? Israel is a very sick society which has been treated with the wrong cure. I’m not a doctor, but I’m pretty sure that insisting that Israeli Jews are God’s chosen people who are entitled to rule a large chunk of the world, was not a good idea. The patient’s delusions have grown dramatically more acute over the years.

Meanwhile the disease has been passed on to one US administration after the other, understandably, since the USA and Israel “share the same values”, not something to be proud of, let me tell you!

As early as in 2018, M.J. Rosenberg warned against the power of AIPAC, although he had himself been an AIPAC member. In his warning statement, he also explains why AIPAC is not required to register as a foreign agent (i.e. is not subject to FARA obligations).

Some of the commentators and analysts who wonder why the USA currently appears to be acting – again and again – against its own interests, find parallels in history; the decline and eventual collapse of the Roman Empire, for instance, and the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. These analysts see signs of end-of-empire decadence such as lack of accountability in a number of spheres, ineffective and incompetent diplomacy, non-existent long-term planning and strategy, over-spending in defence, and geographic over-extension. Not least, a growing indifference to public opinion at home and abroad – so-called “exceptionalism” – has predictably lowered USAs standing.

The recent decline of simple good manners when references are made to US presidents and their retinues, on this and other sites, is symptomatic. US soft power is starting to give, and is being replaced by incipient authoritarianism.

Warring against Iran, when the USA is already at war in Ukraine and Gaza and when it (very unwisely) wants to go to war with China, will definitely not be a good move, one that is nonetheless very likely to be made.

I think there can be no doubt that AIPAC, in lockstep with the military industrial complex, are behind many of the appalling US policy choices. And, behind AIPAC we find Bibi, who would rather start WWIII than serve a little time in jail. What a man! What a specimen of humankind!

Oh, and if you think I was exaggerating…

A couple of days ago, I wrote about watching a horse-drawn carriage in which my children are riding. Alas, the horses have been stung by something and have gone bananas. They are careening towards a precipice. Is there nothing that can stop them, no horse whisperer who can soothe them and halt their flight?

You may think I’m too pessimistic. After all, things have looked bad in the past, too, but humankind always survived.

And it it is indeed true that WWI was not the end of the world, it only killed around 15–22 million. Even WWII was not the end of the world (“70–85 million people perished, or about 3% of the estimated global population”). We didn’t have the bomb yet, except at the very end, and of course then we used it.

I’m not into wars, but it seems to me that WWI was an utterly senseless affair, pointless and basically unnecessary. WWII, however, was a different matter: The Nazis’ policies regarding what they considered the “untermensch”, and their determination to realise said policies, could simply not be allowed to prevail.

My reading is that Israel’s policies regarding non-Jews and their determination to realise said policies … I say no more.

Only the USA can stop the Israelis now. Will the USA stop the Israelis?

Listen to US Colonel Wilkerson here.He knows a thing or two, is a good talker, and he has a sense of humour too. “Fortunately …,” he said, among other things, “the mood is changing.” He meant the mood among the constituents, not the mood in Congress, yet.

Let’s hope that the “mood” will prevent WWIII.


On August 5 Glenn Greenwald asked: Who is governing this country (“this country” being, of course, the one that rules us all in the so-called West)? Obviously, it isn’t Biden or for that matter Harris. Has it ever been Biden? Or Obama, come to think of it? Or Clinton? Not to mention “nukiller” Bush junior?

Not that I really care, being spared the pain of having to live in a country where I would never be able to afford decent health care, or education for my kids, etc., etc. etc. But the question certainly merits some attention since – well, obviously, when your kids are in a carriage pulled by a runaway horse, you want to know whom to shoot when the equipage hurtles off the cliff.

US presidents – it has long been obvious – are not free agents. Not that I propose to defend their actions: They should have known better than to stand for such an ignominious office. They were possibly ignorant or even stupid, when they did so – though I doubt that Clinton and Obama were stupid or even ignorant – or they may have been psychopaths. (By definition, a psychopath is somebody whose lust for power over someone or something drives him or her to break rules, even to kill.) Kill they certainly did, if not with their own hands – God forbid; they had menials to do their dirty work.

But I am not really interested in dissecting the moral decrepitude of dangerous men and women. I would, however, honestly like to know who, in the final count, rules over the USA and its host of servile little fiefdoms in Europe. I can think of a few candidates, mainly the trillionaires who finance the unconscionably expensive presidential campaigns. They will want their money’s worth, I expect, when the race is won. I suspect they place their bets in both camps, by the way, so as to have leverage on the winner, whoever he or she might be.

So who are they? Obviously the military-industrial complex is a front runner. Christian fundamentalists are also a passionate, ruthless and frequently well-heeled lot, and they often coincide with the Zionists.

Oops! There I dropped the dirty word. “Zionists”. At the moment, yes, it would appear that Zionists are running the circus, the race to the cliff. I have been given to understand that Christian Zionists actually welcome a final solution for mankind because then they will all go to heaven. Good luck with that.

I doubt that Israelis share their pious end-of-world wishes. I gather that most Israelis are as brainwashed and deluded as most US Americans and US Europeans, including US Norwegians. Yet, I suspect they don’t want a world war, don’t want war, period, any more than the rest of us. But they don’t count. They, like us, were not asked. Democracy, my foot!

How was Israel able to indoctrinate healthy boys and girls into treating Palestinian boys and girls as vermin to be exterminated? Did they learn from Nazi Germany?

Alas, I fear they have learnt not from Germany but from the USA: The entire population of that great country was bamboozled into supporting the killing and torturing of millions and millions – in Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Central America, South America, Indonesia, Haiti, Somalia…Those were all feats of brilliant indoctrination! Now watch while Master grooms his subjects to cheer the destruction of – no, not China, yet – Iran! Yes, that was not really the plan, but they are in the way.

And Master’s great Orwellian doublethink machine rumbles on, patiently repeating, again and again, and again, even as we sleep: war is peace, ignorance is strength, rule of law is Master, war is peace, ignorance is strength, rule of law is Master…

Yesterday, a Russian woman told me angrily: “You all speak so warmly of Democracy – and I agree, Democracy is beautiful – but what you have is not Democracy! It’s humbug.”

Master has committed his crimes with impunity ever since his first genocide, of the Indians, by indoctrination! As we speak, “rule of law” is allowing Israel to assassinate people here, there and everywhere. Whoever governs the USA knows full well that support for Israel now is suicidal: BRICS is growing stronger by the day as countries hastily jump out of the run-away carriage. But Master cannot stop. Master is law, Master must rule.

Master is currently Zionist (and no longer merely male). He/she is driving our children, at breakneck speed, towards the precipice. One of his/her murder victims was Ismail Haniyeh. May Ismail Haniyeh’s spectre haunt Master till the end of time.

Zionism is very ugly. It is, when all is said and done, the most insidious form of abject racism!

I recently stumbled across a couple of quotes from one of the fathers of Israel, a passionate Zionist, Ben Gurion. Ben Gurion was probably a nasty piece of work, but at least he, unlike US presidents, seems to have understood, what a nasty piece of work he was. I have copied the following quotes from this site.

If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?

Source: David Ben-Gurion (the first Israeli Prime Minister): Quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paraddoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox), pp121.

Let us not ignore the truth among ourselves … politically we are the aggressors and they defend themselves… The country is theirs, because they inhabit it, whereas we want to come here and settle down, and in their view we want to take away from them their country. … Behind the terrorism [by the Arabs] is a movement, which though primitive is not devoid of idealism and self sacrifice.

Source: David Ben Gurion. Quoted on pp 91-2 of Chomsky’s Fateful Triangle, which appears in Simha Flapan’s “Zionism and the Palestinians pp 141-2 citing a 1938 speech.

We should prepare to go over to the offensive. Our aim is to smash Lebanon, Trans-Jordan, and Syria. The weak point is Lebanon, for the Moslem regime is artificial and easy for us to undermine. We shall establish a Christian state there, and then we will smash the Arab Legion, eliminate Trans-Jordan; Syria will fall to us. We then bomb and move on and take Port Said, Alexandria and Sinai.

Source: David Ben-Gurion May 1948, to the General Staff. From Ben-Gurion, a Biography, by Michael Ben-Zohar, Delacorte, New York 1978.

We walked outside, Ben-Gurion accompanying us. Allon repeated his question, What is to be done with the Palestinian population? ‘Ben-Gurion waved his hand in a gesture which said ‘ Drive them out! ‘

Source: Yitzhak Rabin, leaked censored version of Rabin memoirs, published in the New York Times, 23 October 1979.


On August 5, Glenn Greenwald asked: “Who is governing this country” (“this country” being, of course, the one that rules us all in the so-called West)? Obviously, it isn’t Biden or for that matter Harris. Has it ever been Biden? Or Obama, come to think of it? Or Clinton? Not to mention “nukiller” Bush junior?

Not that I really care, being spared the pain of having to live in a country where I would never be able to afford decent health care, or education for my kids, etc., etc. etc. But the question certainly merits some attention since … well, obviously, when your kids are in a carriage pulled by a runaway horse, you want to know whom to shoot when the equipage hurtles off the cliff.

US presidents – it has long been obvious – are not free agents. Not that I propose to defend their actions: They should have known better than to stand for such an ignominious office. They were possibly ignorant or even stupid , when they did so – though I doubt that Clinton and Obama were stupid or even ignorant – or they may have been psychopaths. (Psychopaths have enough lust for personal power over someone or something to be willing to break all rules, or even to kill.) Kill they certainly did, if not with their own hands – God forbid. They had menials to do the dirty work.

But I am not really interested in dissecting the moral decrepitude of dangerous men and women. I would, however, honestly like to know who, in the end, governs the USA and its host of servile little fiefdoms in Europe. I can think of a few candidates, mainly the trillionaires who finance the unconscionably expensive presidential campaigns. They will want their money’s worth, I expect, when the race is won. I suspect they place their bets in both camps, by the way, so as to have leverage on the winner, whoever he or she might be.

So who are they? Obviously the military-industrial complex is a front runner. The Christian fundamentalists are also a passionate and frequently well-heeled lot, and they often coincide with the Zionists.

Oops! There I dropped the dirty word. “Zionists”. At the moment, yes, it would appear that Zionists are running the circus, the race to the cliff. I have been given to understand that Christian Zionists actually welcome a final solution for mankind. Then they will all go to heaven, I am told. Good luck with that.

I doubt that Israelis share their pious end-of-world wishes. Most Israelis are probably as brainwashed and deluded as most US Americans and US Europeans, including US Norwegians. Yet, I suspect we – most Europeans and Israelis – don’t want a world war, don’t want war, period. But we don’t count. We were not asked.

Yesterday, a Russian woman living in Norway told me angrily: “You all speak so warmly of Democracy – and I agree, Democracy is beautiful – but what you have here, now, is not Democracy! It’s all based on lies.”

Indoctrination is a fascinating field of study! How was Israel able to indoctrinate healthy boys and girls into treating Palestinian boys and girls as vermin to be exterminated? Did they learn from Nazi Germany?

Alas, I fear they learnt not from Germany but from the USA: How was the entire population of that great country bamboozled into supporting the killing and torturing of millions and millions – in Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Central America, South America, Indonesia, Haiti, even Africa…. ?

By indoctrination!

The USA has committed its crimes with impunity since the initial genocide of the Indians,

By indoctrination!

And the USA is letting this happen in Gaza as we speak, is letting Israel assassinate people here, there and everywhere. The USA knows full well that its support to Israel now is suicidal. BRICS is growing stronger by the day, and US hegemony is waning because it has not been wisely administered. (“Pax Americana” has not been pax.).

Zionists, then, in the USA and in Israel – are driving our children, here and there, at breakneck speed towards the precipice. A murder victim, Ismail Haniyeh, was one of many who tried to stop them. He paid for his efforts with his life.

Zionism is a very ugly disease. It is, when all is said and done, abject racism!

I recently stumbled across a few quotes from one of the fathers of Israel, a passionate Zionist, Ben Gurion. Ben Gurion was probably a nasty piece of work, but at least he, unlike US presidents, seems to have understood, what a nasty piece of work he was. I have copied the following quotes from this site.

“If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?”
David Ben-Gurion (the first Israeli Prime Minister): Quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paraddoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox), pp121.

“Let us not ignore the truth among ourselves … politically we are the aggressors and they defend themselves… The country is theirs, because they inhabit it, whereas we want to come here and settle down, and in their view we want to take away from them their country. … Behind the terrorism [by the Arabs] is a movement, which though primitive is not devoid of idealism and self sacrifice.”
— David Ben Gurion. Quoted on pp 91-2 of Chomsky’s Fateful Triangle, which appears in Simha Flapan’s “Zionism and the Palestinians pp 141-2 citing a 1938 speech.

“We should prepare to go over to the offensive. Our aim is to smash Lebanon, Trans-Jordan, and Syria. The weak point is Lebanon, for the Moslem regime is artificial and easy for us to undermine. We shall establish a Christian state there, and then we will smash the Arab Legion, eliminate Trans-Jordan; Syria will fall to us. We then bomb and move on and take Port Said, Alexandria and Sinai.”

David Ben-Gurion May 1948, to the General Staff. From Ben-Gurion, a Biography, by Michael Ben-Zohar, Delacorte, New York 1978.

Overwhelmed and overpowered

The “West”, meaning the USA and their coterie of client states are currently engaged in two wars, in Ukraine and in the Middle EAst.

Most of us who live in US client states in Europe were knocked out of our political lethargy when we learnt that Europe was at war again “for the first time since WWII” (forgetting that we – NATO – bombed Yugoslavia for 78 days in 1999, effectively destroying Yugoslavia).

We have also recently witnessed unimaginable horrors in the Middle East, starting on October 7, 2023. We were at first told that Israeli babies had been beheaded, after which we witnessed Israeli retaliation to a degree that nobody could deny was disproportionate. I know for a fact that many of us have often wept over the news on Aljazeera.

Now, we have gotten used to the idea that we might well be on our way into a new world war, in which “tactical” nuclear weapons will most likely be used. We have gotten used to the idea that a ferocious attempt is being made to exterminate the Palestinian people, and we see that those who rule the countries we live in are “aiding and abetting” Israel’s viscious crimes in a number of ways.

We recognise that there is absolutely nothing “we”, citizens of the client states, can do about either of these situations within the framework of “Democracy” as it has been defined for us. Voting for the “left” or the “right” makes no difference, demonstrations and protests lead nowhere but to a few arrests and business as usual. So we are for the most part silent.

Cynics may tell you that the reason we are silent is that the entertainment value of the two wars has flagged.

My view is different: Lethargy is not a sign of boredom but of impotence. I believe that “democracy” is no more than a buzzword used for propaganda purposes in “the West”, to emphasise the distance between “us” and “them”. It is not a reality. At least not in Europe or the USA.

For the umpteenth time, I urge you to read 1984 by George Orwell.


For me, the Eureka moment came in the wake of a very slow process. Anyone who has followed what I have written here since 2008 will see that I have come a long and disheartening way.

I have been a slow learner, alas. I was lazy in school, and had mediocre marks. I was sincerely polite to my teachers, some of whom I liked very much, and I never ever considered rebellion of any kind. As I grew older I became somewhat more academically competitive, though never to the point of wanting to break the sound barrier.

In 1986, when US bullies took it into their heads to bomb Libya – just like that – I was, however, outraged, shocked beyond words. I had somehow missed the part in our curriculum according to which the USA may bomb whoever / whatever / whenever it wants to. I was milking the cows, I remember, and I heard the news on the radio in the cow shed. There was no interrupting the routine with the cows and I had to go on milking them in spite of my rage, so I actually composed almost the only poem I ever made, and a melody too, which I hissed again and again until my chores were done.

At the time, I was a Newsweek subscriber, and I considered myself a well-informed person. But as I now know, the US press is the least recommended bulwark against ignorance. At any rate, studies, work, kids, etc. caught up with me, and then Clinton took over, “at last”.

Everybody knew, at the time, that the Republicans were the ones who wanted to ban trade unions, bomb communists to kingdom come, and kill blacks. So I knew that the Republicans were “bad”. Bear in mind that designating somebody as “bad” tends to mean there must be a “good guy”.

None of us were taught in school to fiercely distrust “bad guy / good guy” narratives. (They still don’t teach that, not in school and certainly not in the media.) Above all, we were none of us taught to be wary of media framing.

Only much, much later, not least thanks to a wonderful US documentary – Charles Ferguson’s Inside Job – did I realise that Clinton was much to blame for the terrible 2007-2008 financial crisis that rocked the world. Yes, the entire world suffered heavily. And Clinton was behind the bombing of Yugoslavia, too, in Europe, in 1999.

But Clinton played a decent trumpet! And he had a disarming smile. I am guilty as charged: I found him charming. I found Obama charming, too. Charm has been the Democratic party’s ticket to the White House. We blamed the Republican Party for all that was wrong in the USA. We? I! I was blind. I believed in good guys versus bad guys.

Mind you, already in 2014, I read Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the 21st Century, all of It! A very polite, quietly precise firebomb of a book. I even read the sequel Capital and Ideology (2020). I should have seen the full picture then. Still, the pieces to the puzzle didn’t quite fall into place until the conjunction of the Ukraine war and the Gaza war. What then became more than obvious was:

Rule of Law is b-s.!

Meanwhile, the 12-year political imprisonment of Assange (without a trial!) while the press tirelessly peddled US propaganda and suppressed dissident views, has demonstrated that

Freedom of the press in the West is b-s.

Democracy, however, is not b-s, but truly something worth fighting for. What we have here and now, though is not Democracy; it’s a fraud. Counting pieces of paper in a ballot box every four years is a fairly expensive way of masking that citizens of Western countries have no say whatsoever about what happens to their society.

We, the defrauded citizens want to believe we are being governed for our own good, with wisdom. Had I been a psychodynamic therapist, I would have posited that we – all human adults – long for the continued guidance of a loving parent. Alas, our “parents” do not have our interests at heart but their own. The continued guidance – be it Republican or “Dem”, be it Labour or Tory – serves the single purpose of perpetuating, one way or another, status quo, the rule and continued enrichment of the oligarchy.

The brave 12

In the USA, 12 brave men and women have resigned their posts as United States government officials in protest over the part the USA is playing in the war against Palestine in general and the population of Gaza in particular. On 2 July, they issued and signed a JOINT STATEMENT explaining why they did so. To publish such a statement in defiance of a president who, to quote him, “is running the world” is a beautiful and — I repeat — brave act. The document is well worth reading. I particularly recommend what follows under the sub-headings “How did it go wrong?” and “What is to be done?”

In Europe there is hardly any mention of the Joint Statement signed by the 12.

Admittedly BBC, does refer to it quite briefly, but is more than tight-lipped: “Ex-officials say Gaza policy has put US at risk” (my emphasis). However, nearly half the brief article informs us of what (the politely hypocritical) “state department spokesperson” told the BBC (my emphasis) about the blessings of US freedom of expression.

On the other side of the planet, not only does Reuters (acquired by Thomson Corporation in Canada in 2008) devote at least three articles to the matter. They have listed the 12 “US officials who have quit over Biden’s support of Israel”, and more recently they have added a link to the Joint Statement itself and a subheading: “WHY IT IS IMPORTANT”.

Huffpost, too, has a long article about the joint statement and quotes much of it.

Even CNN has at least twice provided sympathetic coverage of what the 12 have done. Is the tide seriously turning in the USA?

Literature – letter to a king

I am currently reading The Years, Virginia Woolf’s last novel, published in 1937. Actually, I bought the book accidentally, in French, mistaking it for Ernaud’s Les Années.

Virginia Woolf’s Mrs Dalloway and To the Lighthouse happen to be among the very few books I have read twice. Having dutifully read some 20 % of The Years in French, I therefore decided that even the French language cannot do justice to Virginia Woolf’s beautiful prose. So I bought the book in English, too.

I haven’t finished it. Superb literature is often like a box of chocolates – you don’t want to eat more than “two or three” at a time – but I already consider this novel superior to the two she is best known for, because it delves deeply into the nature of society itself. I will not go into detail, since this blog is not, after all, about literature.

Why do I speak of it then, The Years? Because in it, Woolf mentions a hero, Parnell, presumably Charles Parnell, reviled and adulated. I had to look him up .

At the time, I have just learnt, the press was very keen to trumpet certain aspects of his private life. But we now know that he was a formidable opponent of “landlordism” and “British misgovernment”.

…within two decades absentee landlords were almost unknown in Ireland. He created single-handedly in the Irish Party Britain’s first modern, disciplined, political-party machine. He held all the reins of Irish nationalism and also harnessed Irish-America to finance the cause. He played an important role in the rise and fall of British governments in the mid-1880s and in Gladstone’s conversion to Irish Home Rule.

Wikipedia as at 4 July 2024

Reading about him reminded me that often – very often – we don’t realise until after a person’s death how much we owe him or her. Parnell was only 45 when he died.

Assange might well have died just 10 years older, had he not been released in the nick of time. That does not mean that we can forget all about him, though. On the contrary, it is vitally important that we examine and understand what Wikileaks revealed. Only by knowing the world we live in can we change it for the better.

Of course you have heard of and probably even seen the video footage “colateral murder”. It it is merely the tip of an iceberg.

In 2019-2020, a series of 9 (or 10) articles attempted to summarise what Wikileaks had revealed. There is a shortcut to the story:
Marjorie Cohn’s recent analysis Here’s What He’s Given Us.

Or: If you wish to go to the sources, here’s from the horse’s mouth: Wikileaks .. the lot

As for Julian Assange’s own literary output, his letter to King Charles (dated 5 May 2023), may perhaps serve as an example.

The hero and the villain

Team Biden eventually considered it expedient to offer Assange a filthy plea deal. Do I thank them? Certainly not, though like everyone else, I’m relieved that the barbaric mistreatment of Assange has come to an end. So are, I suspect, Biden’s few remaining supporters.

Please note that even Associated Press (AP) comments the public’s distrust of their rulers in the USA and the UK. As we have seen in the recent “European elections”, such distrust is widely shared throughout much of Europe. Why? Well, the media are full of confounding explanations – naturally – that’s what the media do for a living: confound us. I prefer the explanation given by the comedian George Carlin back in 2005. Some things never change.

I put to you that “a constitutional state” is one in which governmental power is firmly and consistently constrained by the law. The Assange case has patently demonstrated the subservience of the British judiciary (i.e. Law) to Government. This is all the more striking since the latter (Government) is that of a foreign country, the USA. In short, the case has effectively demonstrated that the US and the UK are not constitutional states, and the UK is hardly even an independent one.

That US presidents and their teams care naught for “rule of law”, except as a tool to subjugate other nations, should come as no surprise to anyone. That concepts such as “justice”, “fairness” and “due process” are secondary, in the USA, to personal ambitions was clearly demonstrated in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crash, which rewarded those who had made the crash happen with impunity and struck down the millions of victims in poverty and despair.

What is relatively new to some of us is the incestuous relationship between government and the corporate media. Even AP has noticed: “Nearly three-quarters of American adults blame the news media for dividing the nation.” Just so. Perhaps US citizens have grown wise to the collusion between e.g. the N.Y. Times and the currently ruling set. Will Times loyalties shift when a new master enters the White House?

In Norway, middle-aged people still subscribe to and read daily papers. The rising cost of living has not yet strangled their budgets or their confidence in the authorities. Younger people however, are wading in deeper water. Heavily indebted, they are so fearful of the future that they are reluctant to make babies. The suicide rate is rising.

My favourite news outlet was the Guardian. I repeat: was. I pretty abruptly stopped following the Guardian at about the time Assange was kidnapped by the British police. Why? Because the Guardian had been subtly vilifying Assange, suggesting this, that and the other. I ascribed the character assassination to shame: The Guardian had disclosed Cablegate encryption passwords and was thus the direct root of the US claim that Assange had jeopardised lives. So the paper had to imply that Assange was not worth any tears. That is what I thought back then.

Now, however, I see there may be another source of depravity in the above-mentioned incestuous relationship between governments (in plural) and the media: Keir Starmer. Yes, he is my villain for today: It is very likely that he plotted with the US authorities to destroy Assange’s life and his reputation.

We don’t know, of course, exactly what went on during the meetings between the Starmer delegations and their US counterparts during his visits to the USA in 2009–2013, because the relevant minutes – from all four trips – were allegedly destroyed, which in itself is pretty damning (admittedly circumstantial) evidence. But there is no doubt that Starmer was Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) from 2008-13. And we do know that Starmer is not a “gentleman” when he feels like, for instance, getting rid of a political competitor. Moreover, Starmer was then, and is still, masquerading as a “Labour” politician.

So yes, I believe Starmer is a villain. And he will no doubt be the next PM of the UK. He will presumably treat the Guardian kindly for past and future services.

As for the hero, need I tell you?

I missed the jokes

I am not and never have been in thrall to US entertainment, so I never heard the late comedian George Carlin. To be honest, I might not have appreciated him back then (he died at the age of 71 in 2008) because I was not partial to foul language. Now, of course, thanks to rap, the F-word, the P-word and S-word tend to occupy 40 % of many people’s polite conversation, so I’ve stopped noticing.

Thanks to Glenn Greenwald, I have just been introduced to a taste of Carlin’s acerbic humour. Not just a taste: I was instantly mesmerised and spent the better part of the afternoon digging up Youtube clips of his angry diatribes.

I case you haven’t heard George Carlin, and in case you don’t follow Glenn Greenwald on Rumble (in which case you are missing an extremely eloquent source of lots of well-referenced information) I am pasting, below, a Youtube clip of “You have no choice”. The sound clip has been embellished with animation. You may or may not approve. Moreover, it skips the previous part of Carlin’s talk, presumably because that part ridicules not only obesity but makes rather cruel fun of obese people. You will find it, however, searching for Carlin HBO 2005 Life is worth losing. And I must shamefully admit it is hilarious. But here is the part “You have no choice”.


Quoting Aljazeera 19 June: “Israel is ready for an “all-out war” in Lebanon and has plans approved for an offensive targeting Hezbollah, officials have said.”

How about “talking” to Hezbolla? How about “talking” to Hamas? How about actually listening? While Israel and the USA kill and maim and starve people right, left and centre in the name of “Democracy”, more and more people are getting very, very angry,

Some people are even saying “if this is Democracy, stuff Democracy.”

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